Mr. and Mrs. Hosford!

Mr. and Mrs. Hosford!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Well, needless to say andrew and I had a very intense January, and im almost uneasy to say that there are still more days left. I cant wait for February to begin. So far I think that my fresh start to the new year will start on February 1st!

Because it has really taken me this long to believe what has happened to Andrew and I in the last two weeks......I feel im finally ok to talk about it. 

Basically.......our house had a breaking and entering and stealing! Andrew came home last tuesday just before 4pm to see that someone broke into our house.  He called the police, and then me....where I raced home from work in hysterics......

Apparently whoever "they" are.......broke our back gate into our backyard......then proceeded to KICK in our back door (which leads into the kitchen). Wood particles all over our kitchen, and also things fallen off counters and out of place from all the pounding on the door. Once home we took a scope of what was missing.....and this is where my stomach really twists.  Andrews 2 guns, my Laptop, my CANNON REBEL ( :( ), Our brand new flat screen tv that we got for christmas (hadnt even been used), 450 bucks in cash, 200 in change (our change foe like 6 months we kept in this huge mug), my watch, andrews watch.  They threw our stuff everwhere......all of our dresser drawers were open and rifled through and my closet was torn up our nightstand open, stuff thrown everywhere........ UGH!  Basically horrible......i just didnt even know what to do or say. 

Andrew and I talked and although what happened really hurt us emotionally.....we knew that it could have been so much worse. Both of our puppies were still in the house.....miraculously. Since they kicked in our back gate.....sure enough they both could have decided to run free. But Tex is a total home body and wouldnt go anywhere....and June doesnt leave Tex's side. So that was good! And who knows what these people were capable was probably a blessing that andrew and I werent home. Its just so hard to think about. Its really taken me till now to sort of let it sink in. Im still just so sad.

So much has gone on this month, that i feel sort of drained.  Thats why im looking at February as my new year of 2011. I need it to be so different than January. And dont get me wrong I had some major major wonderful things happen too.......I got a job that im loving, and also adding miss JUNE to our little Hosford family.

Sorry for showing my depressed side, but hopefully if i get it out.....i can heal a bit. 

Heres to February! CHEERS! 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Baby JUNE!

Well, now im sure you all think that I am just dog crazy over here, but I have perfectly good reasons as to why this beautiful little girl has joined our family.  As the news of Tex came and sunk in finally, andrew and I realized that with the two of us with full time jobs now.....we wouldnt be home as much to keep tex active with his bummer hips.  SO to solve that problem........we decided that another little one would be a perfect solution. 

Meet JUNE!  I love this picture! By the way, we brought her home yesterday.  On thursday she will be 9 weeks old, and she is just the cutest little rollie pollie. She is a cream colored lab with bluey-green eyes, and has the most wonderful litte far! hehe!

How does this just not make you melt! oh my!  They are loving eachother already! For a little background on her name.....Our friends Justin and Brittany also took home a wonderful little puppy yesterday too! Their's is June's brother, his name is Cash.  Cash is much chubbier than June, and also hes almost white, with big brown eyes! Since we got them together we all decided that they had to have compatible names! We came up with Johnny CASH and JUNE carter!  :)  We loved it, especially since we are in the heart of country was perfect!

My handsome! I couldnt not put this up, he is just so pretty! I might be biased, but really.......just beautiful!

Let the fun begin! 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy Today!

We are having a big party at our house today for our friend Sergio from Brazil! He has been here since June, and is finished with his research so he is now going back home next week. 

SO......We are having a brazilian style dinner tonight!

As we speak, there are 2 LARGE pork loins wrapped in bacon sitting in our refridgerator......with a make shift PIT that Andrew and Sergio made for cooking them in. They went to Home Depot last night in order to find the perfect type of LARGE BBQ Skewer to cook them on! (pictures to follow) Also, like ten zillion steaks that were donated by the Meat Lab Manager. Id say we are all pretty excited!

Also....Sergio has planned to make........grilled pineapple.  Just cut off the rhine, and then roll the whole pineapple in sugar and cinnamon and then grill. You shave slivers off of it like it were in some sort of a Greek Restaurant with a large roast sitting vertically on a skewer (make sense?). I am SO excited for this dish......have I mentioned how much I love pineapple.....this sounds just amazing! I will be sure to take lots of pictures to let you know how it turns out!

It is a potluck, so I hope people actually bring stuff that is homemade......I cant stand when you say potluck....and people bring a bag of chips and a liter of soda or beer.  I mean....yes you can bring the beer too, but please....a bag of chips?  Do you want to eat  LOL, Andrew and I have thrown enough potlucks together to notice that no matter what this will always happen.  So we always over compensate....but this time....we arent gonna.  So we shall see what happens. (is this a silly problem that you all have too, or is it just me?)  And I understand that most of our friends are on a budget, but seriously, potatoes arent that expensive.....or even like, garlic bread? LOL!

Anyway....Im excited for tonight, Andrew and I love having a housefull and hosting people....I think it reminds us of home! So....I better go, and start cleaning up all my little messes :)


PS.....My uncles services are today at the Vets Memorial Building in Santa Rosa. My thoughts are with my family, and I wish I could be there to celebrate his life!

PSS.. Happy Birthday to my wonderful friend Riley! :)

PSSS.....I just finished my very first week of work! HOORAY!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ups and Downs!

Well the last two weeks has been completely filled with great great great ups....and some seriously serious downs.  Last thursday was when everything started.  I feel like my brain is kind of ready to explode when I think about all that had happened.

So to get to the point, I woke up thursday morning, and spent the morning hours applying to all sorts of I had done every morning.  At approx 11:30 am I got a phone call from one of the jobs that I had applied to the previous day.  The phone call lasted all of 10 minutes, it was kind of like a.....HI is this laurin...yes yes it so and so from this place and got your resume and would really like to set up and interview......then he says...well are you available today?  I go....uh yea!  So at 1:30pm I was sitting in Roberts office, telling him what an amazing employee I would be! :)  This was absolutley wonderful!
Obviously I was more profesional in my answers, on the phone and during the interview.  It was really really great, i felt so good when i left my interview and i was super excited about that opportunity.  He basically told me that he would let me know the next day what his plan was. 

So, i left there, then went home, picked up Andrew and Tex and took Tex to the vet. He had been acting sad and gloomy and cry-y and SUPER lazy, and limpy. So we decided to take him to figure out what was wrong. Andrews diagnosis was that he injured something on his left hind leg because of the way he was favoring it. We get to our vet....who is wonderful by the way, and he examines our little man.  Basically he said....well we need to take xrays, he thought that Tex had popped his hip out of socket cause his hip was swollen. hour later, we enter into the xray room, and.....the worst xrays ever lay in front of us.  Dr. Oden (the vet) says, well little Tex has SEVERE HIP DYSPLASIA. :(  This is something that dogs dont typically show signs on till mid to late years, after a life full of using and working the hips.  But Tex was born with this horrible trait.  If you dont know what it is.......think of it like this, make a fist with you right hand and then cup it with your left hand.  This is like your hip bone in its socket and you can move pretty freely in the socket.  Well, that is  normal. Tex has no socket....and no fist.  Hes got a tiny inward crescent where his hip bone is resting flat on it.  bone on bone. this equals puppy in pain!  so...what do we do..?  He is now on anti inflamitories to reduce swelling therefore reducing pain, and also joint lubricants. And we have to keep him super active to keep his muscles strong.  Andrew and I decided that as long as we can manage his pain....we wont put him down, he doesnt deserve to be in pain forever.  So thats where we stand with that....Both andrew and I were pretty sad when we left the vet, and just kinda wanted to get home out. 

Well to make matters worse, on our way home Andrew got pulled over for speeding! (62 in a 50)  It was so dumb....we were both kinda numb at this point so it was like...ok bring it on i guess.  Then we get home, and finally just sit on the couch for a while when I get a phone call from ROBERT (the guy I just interviewed with). He went on to say that he really liked me and that he wanted me to do a working interview on monday, and that if that went well then I had the job (and also I was to send him some references) So I was totally stoked about this!!!!!!  Andrew and I were pretty darned excited. 

In the next like 15 minutes, my mom called.......she went on to say that she was in the car with my dad and aunt and they were headed to monterey CA, where my Great Aunt Ruth lives (my dads aunt, but really my dad was like her son).  She went onto say that Aunt Ruth was in the hospital and the Dr. didnt think that she was going to make it through the night. I basically just kinda broke at this point, I just cried.......and had to get it out. I felt better afterward.  Just so you are aware.....Aunt Ruth was very old, and had a wonderful life and her body was just finished, and it was her time to go.  She actually passed away on sunday night, pain free. Its just so hard to let go, and losing two family members in less than 20 days is a lot to take.  (sadly my dads brother passed away just before christmas) was kinda like......AHHHHHHH!!!! 

The next day I think I stayed in my pjs till around 2, till i got up the nerve to take Tex out for his needed walk.  It was so helpful to talk with both my sisters, although when the second I hear their voices I break down in tears, they know what to say to build me back up.  Thank goodness for them! I love them so much, and I love how well they know me, and know that I need them!

So....ugh....right?  Now its sunday, and Andrew and I went shopping to buy me some dress clothes for my new job! (thinking optimistically). Monday comes and I was so nervous, I got to the place 15 minutes early and had to call andrew before I walked in so he could help calm me down.  I walked in at 8:30 and in like 3 minutes it was 5pm and time for me to leave.  The day was so great and went by so fast.  I was so happy!  Basically the boss told me that he thought I was a perfect fit, and that I would be signing papers on tuesday. SO.....yesterday I signed my life away, and.....Officially have a job! WOOHOO!!!....what it is will come later. :)

What an intense new year already...........

Friday, January 7, 2011

Our Christmas Vacation......More!

Ok....So on to part two.

Christmas at the Hosfords!  We left my parents house around noon to drive to Willits, in which my parents came too.  My family never really had a tradition for christmas night, we always did brunch, at my house, was so wonderful that my parents were able to come up to willits for dinner. We had a wonderful prime rib, and I believe there were like 25 family members present! :)
mmmmmm.....yummy dinner! (notice my mom grabbing the knife from Andrew) (another notice, the next picture involves a tad bit of skip if you wont like to see it, i dont think its all that bad though)

This is what happened when my mom....somehow colided with andrew at the kitchen sink.....we arent really sure what happened....but andrew was washing his hands after cutting the prime rib, and then my mom was washing the knife....and andrew somehow ended up with a REALLY BAD cut on his finger.  It was all pretty comical.....but it was a pretty deep cut, and Andrew was a big trooper. :)

 Yummy Dinner! 

Moose!  Just decided to lay in the middle of this  mess......he didnt create it! :) Not that he isnt capable of it!

Our first married Christmas!  I wish his finger werent in this picture, it would be so cute otherwise....but the fact that it is also makes me laugh! So I guess thats not such a bad thing :)

After Christmas, we spent the next few days in willits....playing with all the dogs (andrews parents have 3, plus tex, and then my parents dogs were there too....that makes 6!)  When we returned back to santa rosa.... Andrew made a trip to go snowboarding with his aunt and uncle. and while he did that I played with my nieces and nephew. 


Brylee Smiles! :) 

Baking cookies with Adam and Maylia! They actually turned out SOOO GOOD! It must have been the extra Maylia/Adam/LaurLaur spit in them! :)

Tex had a play day too....He got to meet miss Ruby! Natalies little one! :)

Maylia and I drinking our drinks....while watching The Beauty and The Beast....right in front of the tv!  I loved her chosen spot to sit! :)  We probably sat like that for the first half of the movie.

And lastly,  My sisters and their husbands....and me and mine...went out to a dinner together!  We were set on going to Willies Wine Bar, so everyone came over to my parents house to drop off the kids. While getting ready to leave, our ride was a limo!!!  Rob and Deanne had surprised us all in renting a limo for the  night! Holy crap...we were so stoked. And it was so fun, drinking champagne on the way there, taking pictures of everyone before we were all drunk. Needless to say, the pictures on the ride home were a lot more sideways and blurry! :)   

I feel like I barely touched on most everything that went on......but I would probably bore you if I elected to say every word I wanted too! I have more pictures to come, but for right now I have spent far too much time on this thing. and I need to get my butt up and go outside!

Our Christmas Vacation!

Well, Im finally home and......trying to get back into the swing of things. But I had the most amazing trip home. I dont quite know where to begin actually.  I guess, chronological order sounds best........

Andrew and I drove home on December 17th (a thursday) we left at 4pm (texas time) and arrived at my parents house at 5pm (texas time) which was 3pm california time. Basically we drove 25 hours straight home....not a whole lot of stopping. (of course we let the dog out of the car every so often, but he did not pee or poop the entire way there or the way This is tex, and how he looked for a majority of the ride :)
He is such a good dog. and sidenote -  To break the news quickly, andrew and I took him to the vet yesterday cause he walks funny and crys all the time. We knew something was wrong, and basically the vet confirmed our worst fears.....He has SEVERE hip displaysia.  It breaks my heart. Andrew and I are still trying to process it but as of right now hes on pain meds and joint lubricants...with lots of exercise. (gotta keep his muscles moving LOTS, sounds mean but its not i guess.) poor sweet puppy, im so sad for him and for us. not be so sad and continue on with my christmas story. WE MADE IT HOME! I was so happy! Walking in the front door and smelling the house (automatically making me have to pee really this just me that does this....?)  and seeing the fireplace all lit up.......its definitely one of my favorite things. It just makes me feel warm...looking at it.  Anyway we were exhausted this night, we spent some time at my sisters but basically had to go to sleep asap! On saturday we went to a moms side of the family party, and it was wonderful!  We had such a great time and it was so nice to touch base with that whole side of the family again. Here is our huge group picture....andrew and I then drove to willits the next day so that we could be there for his parents work party.  They had about 70 people inside their house. This was a blast of a party. We spent the next few days relaxing in willits which was wonderful. A funny little tid bit, Gus (andrews parents german sheppard....LOVED Tex) This is the proof :) Licked him for like 10 minutes, it was so funny!

Anyway, we then made it back to santa rosa, in which andrew and I went to the 3rd annual boys mud football was so great!  They had a blast, and there were only a few minor injuiries. After that we had a wonderful potluck at Jamie and Glenns house. Of wich....i know please gasp...i didnt take any pictures! UGH! :( I know im always the one with the camera, and I love having pictures of things, was actually kinda nice to like...relax for a minute without worrying about spilling my beer on my camera. haha!  But I believe steph got some cute pictures :)
I just love all these boys!  There are a few in here that were friends of friends that I dont really know but they were pretty funny on the field!  That was on the 23rd.  Which means the next day was christmas eve!!! :)  We spent christmas eve mostly snuggled in our jammies all day, and then got ready to go over to a family friends house for dinner. The Crams. :)
Then......we went to bed and woke up to CHRISTMAS MORNING! I LOVE everything about this day, family, love, gifts, yummy breakfast, the heat from the wood stove, dogs, kids, playing with new stuff, giving gifts, smiles, pictures, silly moments. Here are a bunch of pictures.....highlights of the day! :)



This was christmas at the Kynochs! Such an absolutley wonderful morning! I love being home! I think being away, makes home....that much more special, and shows you how much you used to take for granted.